Another costume dinner party came around and usually decided what I wanted to dress about a month out. This costume was quick build and not to in-depth. I purchased a Leatherface mask and altered about half of it. First I repainted the face to a tan skin tone. I trim out the eyes a little bit along with the mouth to help with sight and ease of wearablity. I trimmed out the skin seams to make it look like a patch work. The cording was found at Michael's and I sewn the seams together for a more realistic tone. The clothing was purchased at Salvation Army at a total of $7.00. I dirtied up the cloth and flick so fake blood on them. My neighbor must of had fun with this as our back yards adjoin and fully visible as this was my paint studio. I made the apron out of burlap the film used was similar to a tarp. I used the coffee staining technique on the shirts to give that body fluid leakage of whatever nature. The forearm guards were extra bits of leather I had left over nothing simple. The build took four days and came out better than I thought
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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