Taskmaster (Concept Art)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Why did we do this costume:
I came across this concept image of Taskmaster if he was made into a movie version. Cody wanted this one just purely being a badass character.
Build progress:
Started with a custom made jumpsuit and worked on top of it. Cody has the boots on hand but made spats. The shin armor was eva foam sprayed with plastidip. Knee armor was attached to the jumpsuit but had elastic closure to keep it in place. Thigh armor is craft foam sprayed black. I opted to attach the belt to the suit for ease of transporting. The holsters on the back was made from PCs pipes heated in a oven and pressed into a oval. Each attached with elevator bolts to a eva foam backpack. The chest piece is fully removable painted with plastidip and yellow spray paint then airbrushed the black to make it look like carbon fiber. I instead of Cody going to get his fist tattoo I ordered the faux tattoo sleeves and sewed them onto the body suit. One arm had eva foam armor with air soft shotgun shells the other was just a black guard. Gloves were purchased and painted. The mask is just a paintball mask painted white and airbrush the shadows. Hood material I had in hand. The sword and shield was already featured. The other weapons are a stun baton made from pvc with a resin cast handle. The other a hallowed our airsoft shotgun.
After thoughts:
This costume had a lot of parts to apply when wearing. I probaly should have sat down and put a little more design into fewer parts to take off. Cody’s first solo run in a costume contest pulled 2nd place.
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